My Computer select "Properties" and click on "Remote" Tab. Now you have to select "Allow users to connect remotely to this computer" .
martes, 10 de febrero de 2009
Not rights to access through Terminal services?
My Computer select "Properties" and click on "Remote" Tab. Now you have to select "Allow users to connect remotely to this computer" .
lunes, 9 de febrero de 2009
Bloquear un sitio / Lock a Site collection
Si necesitas bloquear un sitio en sharepoint puedes utilizar la linea de comandos, rápida y efectiva, y además revisar que se hayan aplicado los cambios a traves de comando o por el interface.
Por que? Puedes bloquearlo para que sólo se disponga de acceso a lectura antes de realizar una copia de seguridad.
Esta opcion sólo sirve para bloquear una collection de sitios, no un subsitio.
If you need to lock a site collection use the powerfull command-line, stsadm. Just be aware that it´s working for a whole site collection but not for a subsite.
Why? you´ll need this feature before backing up a site collection to avoid inconsistence.
Check the current status of the url:
stsadm -o- getsitelock -url
or open the url in a IE and check if the options in the right menu are available.
stsadm -o setsitelock -url -lock readonly
stsadm -o setsitelock -url -lock none
viernes, 6 de febrero de 2009
Sharepoint–MOSS 2007 - How to move a site from one place to anoter
Do you want to move your site under another site? Then follow these steps and enjoy!
Note:As usual follow up all the logical steps to protect your production environment.Be wise.
Method used: Import/export
Properties of import/export: GUIDs are not preserved (alerts, workflows, and some properties are lost with the stsadm import/export process ) but security user features are saved (not in backup)
Note that import/export does not include some site settings, such as Recycle Bin state and alerts.
Why import/export and not backup/restore? Because the second one only works from a root site, it´s not working for a site collection only.
Ie. We´re going to follow an example for understanding better the idea, prepared?
We want to move our site http://portal/sites1/Commercial under http://portal/sites12
Assuming you have access to the server as an admin, use STSADM.EXE (strong & powerfull sharepoint command-line) to export and then import the site collection into the new location.
Check the amount of free space counting the sites:
C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server tensions\12\BIN>stsadm.exe -o enumsites -url http://portal/site1
- Create an empty web:
C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\12\BIN>stsadm -o createweb -url http://portal/sites12/Commercial
Operation completed successfully.
- Export our original site:
C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\12\BIN>stsadm -o export -url http://portal/sites01/Commecial -filename c:\exportsite1.cmp -includeusersecurity -versions 4 -quiet
Log file generated:
Operation completed successfully.
Check the export´s log located in the same folder than the log and check the size. If there´s ony few kb instead og some Mb.. check the account your´re using to connect on the application server.
Log checked: 0 errors.
Explication of every flag:
–includeusersecurity : It ensures that the archived content or site will have the same permission requirements as the original.
-quiet: Recommended. Suppresses the output of export progress information to the display window. The final export status (“Operation completed successfully.”) will still be displayed.
-version 4: ensures that all content regardless of version will be included in the archive.
-Import the original site to the new location:
C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\12\BIN>stsadm -o import -url http://portal/sites12/Commercial -filename c:\exportsite1.cmp -includeusersecurity -quiet
Log file generated:
Operation completed successfully.
The last step would be to delete the originl site after checking that the new emplace works properly.To avoid any mistake I would keep the old site collection locked (only read access) for some time and after I would delete it. It´s only a recommendation.
Possible issues:
- Has been imported only the structure and the lists and document library are missing?? Please check the account you used to connect on the WSS server