- Deshabilita “My Site cleanup timer job” . Este punto es muy importante, puede causar perdida de informacion.
- Deshabilita “User Profile Incremental Synchronization timer job”
- Para el timer job en toda la granja :: net stop sptimerv4
- De-provisiona el servicio UPA via scripting (powershell):
$syncDBType =
$upaSAType = "User Profile
Service Application"
$syncDB = Get-SPDatabase |
where-object {$_.Type -eq $syncDBType}
$upa = Get-SPServiceApplication
| where-object {$_.TypeName -eq $upaSAType}
$syncDB.Status =
Si tienes mas de un UPS entonces utiliza este script, pues hay que
indicar la BD y el GUID de cada uno de los servicios (UPS).
$syncDBType =
$upaSAType = "User Profile
Service Application"
$syncDB = Get-SPDatabase GUID
$upa = Get-SPServiceApplication
$syncDB.Status =
- Comprueba los permisos de la base de datos de sincronizazión (sync DB) en el SQL: Using SQL Server Management Studio, create a login in SQL Server for the User Profile Synchronization service account (that is, the farm account). Then, in the Sync database, create a database user that maps to the login and grant it access to the db_owner database role. For more information, see How to: Create a SQL Server Login (http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=211993), How to: Create a Database User (http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=211994), and Database-Level Roles (http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=211995).
- Arranca el timer job en toda la granja :: net start sptimerv4
- Arranca el servicio de sincronizacion desde la Central de Administracion
- Resetea el IIS (iisreset /noforce)
- Crear las conexiones para el directorio activo
- Si deseas utilizar el job My Site cleanup timer job” revisa antes lo que indica MS:
For each profile
that is returned, check the originating directory service, such as Active
Directory, for the status of that profile. If the status of any of the returned
profiles in the directory is not disabled or is not deleted, do not enable the
My Site cleanup timer job. Contact Microsoft support for more assistance.
- Habilita el “User Profile Incremental Synchronization timer job”
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