martes, 29 de enero de 2013

MOSS2007::How to add the role of Central Administration in your farm

I wrote the same post for SharePoint 2010 here.

Short time ago I wanted to check how to enable the Central Administration service in a second server on a farm in a  MOSS2007 environment, I didn´t remember how. When you get used to work with 2010 is easy to forget about MOSS2007, the technical jump related to architecture was huge.

Then I get surprise how easy is to get high availability in this basic service in the 2010 version and how different is to enable it on a MOSS2007 environment.

Here you have to run the wizard and press the advanced button to enable the Central administration feature (it will deploy it in the IIS) in the server you want. After remember to change the alternate access mapping (AAM ).

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